Throughout the months of October and November, more than 5,000 Spartans united with their communities in 130+ service projects that honored the legacies of the men and women who gave their lives in service to our country.
Galvanized by the “If Not Me, Then Who…” mantra, thousands of veterans, active-duty military, civilians, and youth cleaned city parks, rucked and packed donations for those in need, restored homes, visited with the elderly, wrote letters to troops overseas, and more.
On Veterans Day, Philadelphia-area Spartans got an unexpected visit from former President George W. Bush and former first lady Laura Bush. The couple planted trees in South Philadelphia in honor of SGT Matthew Sandri, US Army, LT Demetrius Frison, US Army, and MAJ John Pryor, US Army, and encouraged the veterans, community members, and youth they served alongside.
Outside Raleigh, NC, volunteers aided Master Gunnery Sergeant Tim Musgrove in rehabbing his home that was damaged by Hurricane Michael. In partnership with Veterans for American Ideals, volunteers removed drywall, hung sheetrock, and cleaned debris.
Projects ranged from small-scale, with as few as 7 volunteers, to large community efforts attracting hundreds. TMF supported Operation Legacy projects in 38 states, with three additional projects taking place in the Alberta, Regina and Winnipeg, Canada.