Anthony Domino
DOD // 04.18.2003
HOMETOWN // Port Penn, DE
DOB // 11.01.1968
Lieutenant Commander Anthony R. Domino died on April 18, 2003 during a bad weather training accident on an F5E Tiger 11 south of Fallon Naval Air Station in Nevada during a 10-day training cycle with the “Fighting Saints” of VFC-13. LCDR Domino was a 1991 graduate of the United States Naval Academy and received his Navy wings of gold from Training Squadron 21 in 1993. He went on to fly F-14 Tomcats with the “Jolly Rogers” of Fighter Squadron 103, and was deployed twice in support of United Nations missions in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Iraq.
LCDR Domino’s service earned him two Strike/Flight Air Medals, the National Defense Service Medal, two Armed Forces Service Medals, the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, and a NATO medal. He is survived by his parents and three brothers.
The Travis Manion Foundation honored LCDR Anthony Domino through the Character Does Matter program presented during the USNA’s Summer Seminar and USNA STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Camp for rising 11th graders.