Darrell was a smart, funny person; he could make a friend anywhere, he just had that charisma. He joined the Army and trained at Ft. Bliss in Air Defense, then moved up the ranks and had just completed The Captains Career Course when he got orders for Afghanistan. He had plans to eventually do embassy work, but that dream was cut short on June 23, 2007, when his unit was tasked to escort a Special Forces unit near Vashir City. It was shared that this was a no BS firefight and every gunner was shot, including Darrell. It was later said by a friend of his in that battle that, "Darrell would have made a badass Special Forces officer, and I can only say that about a handful of people.”

Character Strength Story:

BRAVERY - He literally lived and died by that strength. There was previous bad blood between Darrell's unit and the SF unit they escorted that day. He didn't have to support them, but he chose to, and thereby extended an olive branch.

HUMOR - He was funny and playful. He could just make me laugh about anything.

TEAMWORK He was a team player and he knew how to make people feel better about themselves, and about the mission at hand.

—Submitted by Liz, Surviving Wife


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