2020 Operation Legacy - Fall

Event Recap

Throughout the month of November, TMF veterans and families of the fallen continued to lead the way during these unpredictable times. Spartans organized, lead, and participated in over 50 community service projects in honor of our fallen heroes. We united in selfless service to find our “If Not Me, Then Who…” moments while addressing our communities’ critical needs. Here are a few highlights from the completed service projects.

In Fall 2020, Texas Spartans joined Combined Arms and Houston Food Bank for a monthly distribution that provides dry goods for any nearby veterans with food insecurities. Thisproject honored Marine Cpl. Dale A. Burger, Jr., who gave his life in 2004 as a result of enemy action in the Al Anbar Province of Iraq. Students from a Southern California high school safely gathered to create over 200 cards and letters for care packages to sailors on the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt Strike Group, who were in pre-deployment quarantine over the Thanksgiving holiday.

A dedicated group of students in Philadelphia completed a service clean-up project in honor of an Alumni from their school, Lt. Col. John Spahr, who died in 2005 in Operation Iraqi Freedom. That project was a part of a several week Character and Leadership course that local Veteran Mentors lead year after year, teaching the students about the value of leadership, gratitude, perseverance, and service. Other Spartans in the Philadelphia area collected and distributed nearly 150 donated turkeys to families in need ahead of Thanksgiving.

In total, nearly 2,000 Spartans participated in Fall 2020 Operation Legacy projects. Together you impacted over 35 communities through 3,500 hours of service. We look forward to continuing the legacies of service of our nation’s fallen heroes in 2021.  

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TMF Stats:
001 78,000+ Veterans + Survivors Empowered
002 300,000+ Spartan Members
003 750,000+ Youth Living "If Not Me, Then Who..." Movement